Homepage Berthold Schüßler


LvD - Englisch - Allgemein

Some more or less useful, funny, annoying material dealing with my subject "English"


  Dictionary / Thesaurus
  Blog des LK Englisch
  Kostenlose Spracheinstufungstests
  Probeklausuren 12 2006
  Vorgaben für die zentrale Englischprüfung in 10
  Audio literature trivia game
  Sarah's Blog
  Information on "How to write a summary"
  Free Dictionary/Thesaurus Utility
  Funny Idioms (Spotline)
  20 Songs in English
  Two googlemaps about the USA election 2008

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Dictionary Thesaurus

  Blog des LK Englisch - Ein Versuch
We're trying to work on our own blog. The topics are "Muslims in Britain" and "Culture in Pakistan". You're invited to comment:

   Blog des LK Englisch

  Kostenlose Spracheinstufungstests
There are two possibilities to test your language "abilities":

   Cornelsen Sprachtest
   Download Sprachtest Dialang

  Die Probeklausuren für Englisch 12 sind online downzuloaden:
Folgende Dateien könne heruntergeladen werden: * Probeklausur Grundkurs Englisch Aufgabe 1, 12/II - [PDF-Format, 214 kB] - 23.05.2006
* Unterlagen für die Lehrkraft GK Englisch Aufgabe 1 - [PDF-Format, 386 kB] - 23.05.2006
* Probeklausur Grundkurs Englisch Aufgabe 2, 12/II - [PDF-Format, 213 kB] - 23.05.2006
* Unterlagen für die Lehrkraft GK Englisch Aufgabe 2 - [PDF-Format, 51 kB] - 23.05.2006
* Probeklausur Leistungskurs Englisch Aufgabe 1, 12/II - [PDF-Format, 218 kB] - 23.05.2006
* Unterlagen für die Lehrkraft LK Englisch Aufgabe 1 - [PDF-Format, 219 kB] - 23.05.2006
* Probeklausur Leistungskurs Englisch Aufgabe 2, 12/II - [PDF-Format, 220 kB] - 23.05.2006
* Unterlagen für die Lehrkraft LK Englisch Aufgabe 2 - [PDF-Format, 69 kB] - 23.05.2006

  Download Probeklausuren

  Zentrale Prüfungen in Englisch in Klasse 10
Vorgaben für die Englischprüfung (Stand 01.09.06; Dateien vom 10. und 17.03.06)
 10 - Unterrichtsvorgaben
 10 - Beispielaufgaben
 10 - Auswertung

  Seite bei learn-line

 There is an audio literature triva game for you:

  Audio literatur trivia game

It's an audio literature trivia game delivered as a podcast or on their webpage. Listen to the passage from a novel, then guess the character, novel and author via a web form.
Every other day or so, she'll make an audio recording from a novel. It will be short passage, always something a character says. Your task will be to guess the character, book and author.

 It's time for a break, enjoy...Take a small break a cup of tea and enjoy the efforts of our colleague Sarah.

   Sarah's blog

 Important information for everyone: How to write summaries?


 Free Dictionary/Thesaurus Utility
WordWeb is an enhanced dictionary and thesaurus. It does some tricky extra things like showing only the relevant synonyms and related words according to whether they are noun, verb, adjective or adverb. It can also find words by pattern match or dictionary adjacency. Usage is simple; just select a word in any document and click the WordWeb tray icon. Immediately you'll get a popup with the word's meaning and synonyms. Overall, it works efficiently and elegantly to help you find the just right word to use in your written reports. WordWeb is free for personal use and a Pro version with an enhanced dictionary costs a mere $19 and is well worth buying.

An equally attractive alternative to WordWeb is TheSage [2] from Sequence Publishing. Like WordWeb, it's a comprehensive dictionary with over 140,000 references together with a powerful thesaurus. It differs in that it is free even for commercial use and offers a couple of features missing from the free version of WordPro such as anagram solving and wildcard word matches. On the minus side, WordPro allows you to find meanings and synonyms in any application just by double clicking the word; with TheSage you have to cut and paste it into the application after you've launched it from its task bar icon. Picking a winner here is too hard. Try both and decide for yourself. Both products work with Windows 95 and later.

1   Wordweb (6.96MB)
2   Thesaurus (8.3MB)

Funny idioms - a test from spotline

Here you can test your idioms for free!

20 Songs in Englisch

Hier 20 englischsprachige Lieder/Songs im pdf-Format mit Zusatzinfos und midifile kostenlos: Englische Lieder
Nach unten scrollen, im Liederregister Spalte ganz rechts: Sprache Englisch suchen - Titel-Link (Spalte 3) anklicken - auf der Lied-Site pdf, midi etc. anklicken
